Sunday, July 28, 2013

DIY | Spray Painted Frames


A couple of days ago I was really in the mood to do some crafting but I had no idea what to do. Suddenly it dawned on me to do something decorative for my future apartment (!!). I love wall art but it's usually so expensive that I can't see myself spending much money on it when there are other things like shoes and makeup that are much more fun to buy.

 This was such a cheap an easy project, and I'm probably going to make more!

You need:
- Cheap Frames (I got mine at the thrift store for 25 cents each)
- Pretty Wrapping Paper (World Market has so many cute patterns)
- Krylon Sterling Silver Spray Paint
- Krylon Black Spray Paint

Start by taking the glass and preexisting paper out of the frames, then lay the frames on some newspaper in a well ventilated area and spray paint them. 

While I was waiting for the paint to dry, I cleaned the glass and cut the wrapping paper to fit the frames. For some of the larger frames, I created white interior borders out of printer paper for dimension.

 I love my new frames and I can't wait to make more!

The finished product!